Opting out of sharing your confidential patient information for research and planning.

The NHS uses your information (Anonymised) for research and planning. Please click below to view a response by NHS digital about the recent media reports about this system and why its invaluable for the NHS. However, it is your choice and you can choose to stop your confidential patient information being used for this purpose. Your confidential patient information will still be used for your individual clinical care and it will not affect the treatment you receive.
More information from NHS digital on why its invaluable to share data for planning and research.Opting out is a 2 stage process.
Type 1 (local) opt out. This stops any future extraction of data for research and planning purposes from the GP practice to NHS digital. To make this request, download the type 1 opt out form, complete and sign the form and return it to the surgery either by hand, post or email.
National (central) opt out (formerly called a type 2 opt out). This stops any existing data held by NHS digital which has been obtained across the NHS (e.g. hospital) to be used for research and planning purposes. This includes any previous data from the GP practice already obtained. To make this request, please click on the link or phone 0300 303 5678. If you have the NHS app, then this type of opt out can me requested via the application.
National opt out link