The surgery provides travel health information. Please book an appointment with an appropriate practice nurse who will help you.
- Please be aware that travel health is YOUR responsibility
- The information is required for the Practice Nurse to assess your travel health needs for your trip and will need to do so prior to your appointment
- We require a minimum of 6 WEEKS notice in order to provide a full service and to complete courses of vaccine
- Most vaccines are free to you and in stock in the surgery, however be aware some vaccines such as Rabies, Japanese Encephalitis, Tick Bourne Encephalitis are not available on the NHS. For these you will be asked to order and pay for these vaccines through the Pharmacy and then arrangements can be made for us to give you the injections in the surgery.
- If Malaria Prophylaxis is recommended, this is not available on the NHS. You are advised to discuss this with the Pharmacist who will then order the medication for you.
Please download the travel risk assessment form (click here) and return itto the surgery atleast 24 hours prior to your appointment with the practice nurse.
Yellow Fever
If you required Yellow fever we are not able to provide this at Quantock Vale Surgery. You can access this privately through one of the local GP Surgery’s
Crown Medical Centre, Venture Way, Taunton 01823 282151
Victoria Gate, East Reach, Taunton 01823 275656
French Weir Surgery, Taunton 01823 331381
Blackbrook Surgery, Taunton 01823 259444
Williton Surgery, Williton 01984 632701
Please also download our practice leaflet (click here) for general travel advice.
Short Notice Travel
If you are travelling at short notice we may not be able to provide an appointment and you will need to contact a private clinic
Nomad Clinic, Bristol is the nearest 0134 155 5061
Travel Health Consultancyat Exeter 01392 430590
Masta Travel Clinics Yeovil 0330 100 4106 Axminster 0330 10 4107
Further sources of information
Name/description | Web address |
Fit for Travel – Scottish NHS public travel site for general advice on all aspects of travel and country specific information, including malaria maps | |
NaTHNaC – National Travel Health Network and Centre England based, with similar information to above | |
Platform 9 ¾ – Travel specialist Jane Chiodini with mobile apps and fun links to useful travel pages | |
NHS Choices – look at travel health in the ‘A-Z’ section and also travel health in the ‘Live Well’ section (these are both different). Excellent general website also. | |
FCO – Foreign & Commonwealth Office, especially useful for safety and security and specific pages for types of travellers, e.g. gap year, responsible tourism. Also look at ‘Our Publications’ | |
Malaria Hotspots – general information for travellers providing information about malaria including a useful podcast in the ‘malaria travel tips’ section | |
Sun smart – is the Cancer research website providing information about skin cancer and sun protection advice | |
Travel health products to take away with you – these are just a small selection of many resources available. Please note the Village Medical Centre is not endorsing such items, merely providing information. | |
Medex – Useful advice booklet on ‘travelling at high altitude’ | |
Medic Alert® – life-saving identification system for individuals with hidden medical conditions and allergies | |
Kids Travel Doc™ – a paediatrician’s guide to travel and outdoor recreational activities | |
Diabetes UK – information specific for those with diabetes who wish to travel – go to ‘Guide to diabetes’ then to the ‘living with diabetes’ section then go to ‘travel’ | |
Global travel clinic locator from the International Society of Travel Medicine | |
IAMAT – International Association for Medical Assistance to Travellers (IAMAT) | |
Google translate – Free online translation service | |