- Quantock Vale Surgery, Bishops Lydeard 01823 432361
- Appointments 01823 432361
- Prescriptions 01823 433995
- Health Visitor 0300 3230115
- District Nurses 0300 124 5606
- Community Midwife (Bethany 07776544898)
- The Pharmacy, Bishops Lydeard 01823 430201
- Musgrove Park Hospital 01823 333444
- NHS 111
- The Somerset Clinical Commisioning Group 01935 384000
- Social Services 0300 123 2224
- Samaritans 116 123
- Turning Point (Alcohol and Drugs) 0300 303 8788
- Citizens Advice Bureau 0808 278 7842
- Contraceptive and Sexual Health (SWISH) 0300 124 5010
- Patient Transport Booking 01278 727444
- Carer Support Service 0800 3168600
- Patient Advice and Liaison Service 03003 112233 or 01823 343536 (Musgrove)